An interdisciplinary approach to waste management study: implementing the EU practices

A panel discussion «Transformation of business processes in the context of sustainable development» was held

On June 02, 2022 a panel discussion «Transformation of business processes in the context of sustainable development» in the framework of the VІІІ International Scientific and Practical Conference «Formation of the mechanism for strengthening national economic systems competitive positions in global, regional and local dimensions» (Ternopil, Ukraine) was held with participation of the city government and the publics’ representatives.

Prof. Nataliia Marynenko and Prof. Iryna Kramar presented the research results obtained during the implementation of the EU Erasmus+ Project (Jean Monnet Module) “An interdisciplinary approach to waste management study: implementing the EU practices” (621029-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE) with the publication of abstracts in the conference proceedings and oral presentations on the topics: «European experience of waste management» and «Global military threats to sustainable development».