An interdisciplinary approach to waste management study: implementing the EU practices


Erasmus+ Project Jean Monnet Module

An interdisciplinary approach to waste management study: implementing the EU practices

Field – teaching and research

Target group: students, graduates

The purpose of the project: raising public awareness and changing the situation in the field of waste management to adapt to the requirements of the European market.

Aims and objectives of the project

  1. Raising environmental awareness, changing the way of thinking and the level of knowledge of students, representatives of other target groups on waste management.

  • to generalize the European experience on the basic principles of waste management for the study and dissemination of effective and modern approaches in this field;
  • to study the European experience of practical implementation of the issues under discussion at the level of enterprises and households, as well as all aspects of the implementation of activities related to environmental issues;
  • to study the European experience in order to stimulate industry (reduce the negative impact on the environment) and implement the acquired knowledge in the practice of domestic businesses;
  • to carry out explanatory work among young people on issues related to waste management.
  1. Dissemination of information on the principles and priorities of EU environmental policy in the field of waste management for the implementation of advanced European guidelines on institutional support for socio-economic development of regional economic systems.
  • hold a round table with civil servants, scientists, specialists, experts, graduates and the general public to study and discuss the EU legal and regulatory framework in the field of waste management, approximation of Ukrainian legislation in this area in accordance with European standards;
  • to hold seminars / workshops, the topics of which will be related to the use of advanced technological infrastructure and European experience in waste management;
  • organize a study visit to the company for graduates;
  • disseminate information about the project and its results in the form of open educational resources (educational materials, textbooks, brochures and leaflets, information on the university website).
  1. Improve the skills of teaching staff and develop the scope of their research through the study of EU experience.
  • use the EU experience on the outlined issues in conducting lectures, seminars, trainings;
  • use modern teaching methods and technologies in the educational process (multimedia equipment, software for presentations and e-learning, Kahoot, Socrative, holding forums-debates, business games, etc.);
  • to develop interdisciplinary relations;
  • disseminate the results of the project (publication of articles, participation in conferences).

Direction of project activity

  1. Development of teaching materials for courses.
  2. Conducting lectures and practical classes.
  3. Conducting training, workshops.
  4. Holding a round table.
  5. Conducting a seminar and conference.
  6. Carrying out study visits to enterprises for graduate students.
  7. Systematic dissemination of project materials.
  8. Quality control of project implementation.
  9. Dissemination of experience.

Expected results

  1. Raising awareness of graduates and representatives of other stakeholders in the field of waste management.
  2. Development of teaching materials for courses.
  3. Publication of one collective monograph and five scientific articles.
  4. Participation in conferences of different levels.
  5. Organize and conduct six events to disseminate knowledge gained from the EU’s experience in solving environmental problems.
  6. Familiarization with the EU experience in the field of waste management and on the creation, financing and promotion of eco-business.


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Round table «Lithuania-Ukraine: integration of education, technology and business – common ground under conditions of uncertainty»

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On October 19, 2023 the executors of the EU Erasmus+ Project (Jean Monnet Module) «An interdisciplinary approach to waste management study: implementing the EU practices» (621029-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE) have organized a workshop for…

(Українська) Проведено лекції присвячені концепції циркуляційної економіки та сталого поводження з відходами

(Українська) Проведено лекції присвячені концепції циркуляційної економіки та сталого поводження з відходами

Sorry, this entry is only available in Українська. У рамках реалізації Проєкту Європейського Союзу програми Еразмус+ «Модуль Жана Моне»: «Міждисциплінарний підхід до дослідження управління відходами: впровадження практики ЄС» – 621029-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE …

Our contacts

    Project manager - Tetiana Vitenko

    Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University
    46001, Ukraine, Ternopil, 56, Ruska street, Building 2, office #30.